
.Personal Portfolio
.Published Portfolio

BoBo the seal


Note: these tutorials are extremely outdated but can still be a little useful.

Painting Fur/Hair
This is a quick video showing how I paint fur as seen on tha rat man:


Skinning mini-tutorial 01
I created this small tutorial for the Cronos V team to show some of the basic steps I take in creating my skins. I think it's a fairly good follow up to the Vertex Bake tutorial below.

Skinning mini-tutorial 01

Vertex Bake
Using Vertex Lighting for base skin output:
In the past I had consistency problems with my skins, but I have come across a solution that helps me a lot. The following mini-tutorial will help you produce a nice skin base to work off of, using lights in your max scene.

You will need a copy of 3ds max and Texporter.

vertex bake tutorial page 1


Dark Horizon . . . . Martinez . . . . . . ThE_BirD . . . . . Josh Singh . . . . . Killingpeople
Billy Ahlswede . . . Joe Mirabello . . . mr Kite . . . . . . . Hawkprey . . . . . b1ll
DaZ . . . . . . . . . . . Soul . . . . . . . . . . peppi . . . . . . . . shotgun. . . . . . . . firestarter
Skullbox. . . . . . . . Skanker . . . . . . . Strangefate . . . . Six Fat Ninjas . . .Per128
moose . . . . . . . . . Bryan Cavett . . . .kuman . . . . . . . .pior . . . . . . . .. . . MoP
Paul Richards . . . .Mr. Rockstar . . . Rorshach . . . . . .poopinmymouth .. Brett Briley
Marine . . . . . . . . .gauss . . . . . . . . . .louis . . . . . . . . . DUR . . . . . . . . . .doc rob

All art (2d and/or 3d) and concepts of this site are © 1999-2004 Brian Jones. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Any use of artwork (part or whole) contained within this website is strictly prohibited
without the explicit consent of James Brian Jones (BoBo the seal).